Content created to support the launch of a new app.

Twine is a purposefully crafted mobile app, specifically tailored to cater to the aspirations and financial objectives of two partners. It serves as a helpful aid for those seeking to accumulate funds for significant milestones such as weddings, home ownership, or memorable vacations shared with their significant other. I was tasked with the responsibility of generating content ideas that would effectively promote the app across various social channels.

One approach I implemented involved creating a collection of videos that showcase distinctive terms associated with the brand. These videos are designed to enhance understanding of the app’s purpose. To achieve this, stop motion photography was employed to animate each term.

Additionally, I played a role in conceptualizing and developing numerous content pieces, including the series titled ‘There’s a smarter way to save’. These short-form videos creatively poked fun at outdated methods of saving, providing viewers with an enjoyable experience.
Check out the behind the scenes video captured while we worked on these concepts.


